The aim of the 5-year and annual programs of Yerevan development is to ensure sustainable proportional development of Yerevan taking into consideration vital interests and welfare of the population, human development thereby guaranteeing significant improvement of the life quality of Yerevanians. The development program is a document expressing the measures to be fulfilled in the direction of targeted development worked out as a result of the analysis of social and economic situation of the community, revelation of the main problems and assessment of financial, economic, natural and human resources. The document stipulates efficient strategic solutions of the fundamental problems of the community. The programs contain the analysis of the socio-economic and financial status of Yerevan, its priorities, the situation in the spheres of urban development, the main problems and development directions. The guarantors of the program realization are the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, the RA law “On local self-governance”, the RA law “On local self-governance in the city of Yerevan” and some other legal acts, as well as the local authorities- Yerevan Mayor and the Council of Elders of Yerevan.
The programs of Yerevan development and the reports on them are made by the mayor and submitted to the Council of Elders. In working out the project of annual budget the programs of Yerevan development are considered. Yerevan Municipality attaches big importance to cooperation establishment and expansion with the private sector in various spheres of the city economy due to which the city authorities aim to attract necessary investments in necessary spheres, to increase the governance efficiency and the quality of services creating a better city environment. Besides, Yerevan Municipality implements projects with international organizations to introduce innovations and attract investments in the city infrastructure.
The Municipality is open and ready for cooperation with the organizations and individuals who want to contribute to Yerevan development.
Yerevan Urban Development Investment Project
The aim of the project is to develop the infrastructure of Yerevan by constructing a new Isakov-Arshakunyats traffic interchange, which will connect the administrative districts of Kentron, Malatia-Sebastia and Shengavit, providing a logical continuation of Monte Melkonyan street.
As a result of the project, it will be possible to significantly reduce congestion in the city, create new urban infrastructures, and increase institutional capacity for the development of a green, inclusive and sustainable urban environment.
- Semi-annual environmental monitoring report - (1st semester of 2024)
- Semi-annual environmental monitoring report - (2nd semester of 2024)
- Semi-annual Social Safeguards Monitoring Report
"Urban Sustainable Development Investment Program 1 and Program 2"
On March 24, 2011, the Republic of Armenia and the Asian Development Bank signed the "Urban Sustainable Development Investment Program - Framework Financing Agreement." For the implementation of this agreement, the Government of Armenia and the Asian Development Bank signed the Urban Sustainable Development Investment Program, Program 1 (hereinafter referred to as Program 1) in 2011 and the Urban Sustainable Development Investment Program, Program 2 (hereinafter referred to as Program 2) in 2015. Under these two loan agreements, more than 23 km of urban roads, including Yerevan's western bypass, have been constructed.
Arshakunyats Avenue – Nor Shirak – Artashat Highway road segment was constructed within the framework of Program 1.
- Semi-annual Social Safeguards Monitoring report / Program 1
- Semi-annual environmental monitoring report Program 1 (1st semester of 2024)
- Semi-annual environmental monitoring report Program 1 (2nd semester of 2024)
Within the framework of Program 2 the construction and reconstruction of Davtashen - Ashtarak, Babajanyan - Ashtarak, Argavand - Shirak road segments, and a 1 km segment of Babajanyan street were fulfilled.
- Semi-annual Social Safeguards Monitoring report Program 2
- Semi-annual environmental monitoring report Program 2 (1st semester of 2024)
- Semi-annual environmental monitoring report Program 2 (2nd semester of 2024)
“Open Government Partnership Local” Initiative
Yerevan Municipality together with the Civil Society applied to the “Open Government Partnership” Board to become member of the initiative, and on May 17, 2022, it has become member of the “Open Government Partnership Local” initiative.
The initiative is designed to bring together representatives of governments and civil societies to work and form an inclusive development agenda of governance, to make the system of governance more transparent, accountable, innovative, and participatory. In this context the Yerevan Action Plan for 2023-2024 was worked out, according to which Yerevan Municipality undertakes its obligatory functions.
Several important meetings were held on the route to becoming an OGP member the information about which is available via the link.
“EU4Yerevan: Solar Community”
The “EU4Yerevan: Solar Community” initiative is the first and only program in terms of its content and social influence both in Yerevan and in other cities which are members of the EU “Covenant of Mayors”. Within the frames of the program, photovoltaic stations were installed on the roofs of 97 blocks of flats to provide high-quality lighting of staircases and common areas inside the buildings as well as courtyard areas. Hence, 77% energy consumption saving is anticipated from these areas and 50% energy saving from using elevators. So, annual expectations are:
• Generation of approximately 933 MW of electric energy by solar stations
• Reduction of 453 tons CO2 emissions
• Due to replacement of lighting systems, reduction of 395 MW/hour energy saving will become possible.
Due to the social component of the program, approximately 300 needy families were provided with 5 LED lamps each. The budget of the program is 1 250 000 euros, 1 000 000 euros of which comes from a grant, and 250 000 euro – co0financing from the Municipality.
For more details follow the link.
Renovation of roofs of preschools
On April 14, 2022, a memorandum was signed which envisages renovation of the roofs of municipal preschools within the frames of “Decreasing Investment Risks Aimed at Energy Efficient Modernization of Buildings” program of UNDP-GCF implemented in cooperation with UNDP. The process is going to be completed at 6 preschools. Opening ceremonies are to be organized soon.
Installation of Community Energy Management Systems (CEMS) in Yerevan
In 2021, Yerevan Municipality has started practical phase of the installation of Community Energy Management System (hereinafter – System). On February 26, 2021, Yerevan community and the Armenian office of UNDP signed the Memorandum of Intentions according to which the parties set the necessity of the System installation as a common goal.
According to Yerevan Mayor’s decision N1266-A made on April 5, 2022, a working group was formed (hereinafter – Coordination Group) to coordinate the installation of the System; the Group is headed by the First Deputy Mayor; the energy coordinator was assigned, necessary legal and working structures were formed, appropriate instructions were given.
At the 1st session of the Coordination group, they confirmed the list of 320 municipal companies/organizations in which the process of CEMS installation had started. The list involves 161 preschools, 30 medical establishments, 19 libraries, 26 music and art schools, 13 children and youth and cultural centres, 10 museums and theatres, 34 sport schools, 2 administrative buildings of Yerevan Municipality, 12 administrative buildings of the administrative districts and 14 other CJSCs and PNCOs. Due to the System installation, it is planned to implement coordinated permanent monitoring and management of energy flows rates (technological, economic, social and environmental). The installation of the System will ensure the sustainability of energy management of the community reducing the environmental impact of the systems and will provide significant economic benefit from the point of view of reasonable management of the community budget.
This will contribute to the installation of sustainable energy programs in Yerevan, succeeding of the monitoring system of energy consumption in public buildings, to preservation of the data on the assessment of energy saving and reduction of greenhouse gases achieved as a result of energy efficiency measures.
“Yerevan 2.0. Towards More Inclusive and Green Recovery” program
Within the frames of the “Yerevan 2.0. Towards More Inclusive and Green Recovery” program the following actions have been implemented in Yerevan:
• Localization of “Donat” innovative economic model which will make it possible to create Yerevan City Portrait, providing the decision makers with the full image of social and environmental challenges of the city, and will suggest a new model of the city development.
• Construction of an open-air classroom in the park located in B-2 quarter in Malatia-Sebastia district.
• Refresher training for improvement of skills of community employees.
• Digitalization of the services provided by Yerevan Municipality. The following services have been digitized:
a) Commercial permissions:
In cooperation of Yerevan Municipality and the UNDP an online platform is being worked out. Via the platform economic entities will have the opportunity to apply online for getting permissions for selling tobacco, alcohol and catering, or prolonging the permissions by presenting required information some of which will be entered automatically by the system.
b) Allotment of new addresses:
Legal entities and individuals will be able to apply to get new addresses by providing necessary information some of which will be entered automatically by the system.
“Capital Cities Collaborating on Common Challenges in Hazardous Waste Management - Yerevan, Warsaw, Tirana”
According to the NEAR-TS/2019/412-943 grant program signed between Yerevan Municipality and the European Union on December 17, 2019, the program “Capital Cities Collaborating on Common Challenges in Hazardous Waste Management - Yerevan, Warsaw, Tirana” is designed to develop close cooperation with interested parties and strengthen urban management of hazardous wastes via from city to city cooperation, more active involvement of townspeople, as well as putting the best experience into practice. The program is centered in Yerevan with the cooperation with Warsaw and Tirana.
The program duration is 48 months.
Total costs - 5 326 377,00 euros.
EU investment – 4 793 739 euros
Yerevan Municipality investment – 81 465,10 euros
Subgrants - 8 500,00 euros.
Installation of photovoltaic systems on the roofs of two administrative buildings of Yerevan Municipality (1,Argishti str., 1/3 Buzand str.)
Solar photovoltaic stations were installed on the roofs of the two administrative districts of Yerevan Municipality (at 1,Argishti str. And 1/3, Buzand str.)
In case with the building at 1, Argishti street the annual CO2 emissions will decrease by 392 tons, and the annual saving will make 30%. With the building located at 1/3. Buzand street the annual CO2 emissions will decrease by 384,3 tons and annual saving will make 35%.
“Green City” Action Plan
The “Green City Action Plan” of Yerevan was worked out in cooperation with the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development. The GCAP was financed by the Fund for Technical Cooperation of Official Development Support of the Government of the Czech Republic via the EBRD “Green Economy Policy” dialogue.
The Green City Action Plan is a strategic document for “green” actions to be fulfilled by 2030, which is based on “concept-strategic goals – medium-term targets” idea added by short-term actions (for the next 305 years). The structure outlines the solutions and proposals to be followed during the next 15 years.
The goal of the program is to boost the economic and social growth of Yerevan, to mitigate the negative impact of human activity on the environment, to increase the quality of the ecological assets of Yerevan thereby improving the quality of the populations’ life.
For more details follow the link.
Sustainable Energy Action Plan of Yerevan
In accordance with the Yerevan Council of Elders’ decision N204-A made on September 9, 2014, Yerevan Municipality joining the “Covenant of Mayors” initiative took the obligation to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases at least by 20% by 2020 and to contribute to development of the city economy in accordance with the sustainable energy principles. The Sustainable Energy Action Plan of Yerevan (SEAP) was worked out with the technical support provided by the Municipality and UNDP in collaboration with the “Energy Efficiency Support Foundation” NGO.
The program envisages actions aimed at energy efficiency increase in urban economy infrastructures which will reduce consumption of energy resources, CO2 emissions and improvement of the natural environment. The program involves relevant actions aimed at energy saving, energy efficiency, use of renewable energy in the spheres of urban transport, external lighting in public and residential buildings, public services and others.
For more details follow the link.
Activities of the Council for Management of Five-Year Program of Yerevan Development and Annual Budget Adjunct to Yerevan Mayor
In accordance with the procedure determined by Yerevan Council of Elders’ decision N 46-N made on 10.09.2013., regular public discussions, open hearings related to the community budget, development programs, tariffs of local duties and fees are organized.
In 2022, public discussions were held twice:
- In the period from February 10 to 24, the draft decisions “On confirmation of the report on Yerevan budget performance in 2021” and “On the report on the implementation Yerevan program for 2021” were discussed.
- In the period from November 16 to 30, the draft decisions of the Council of Elders “On the confirmation of Yerevan development program for 2023”, “On Yerevan budget for 2023”, “ On determination of tariffs for local duties for 2023 in Yerevan community”, “On determination of tariffs for local fees for 2023 in Yerevan community”, “On setting privileges in local duties for 2023” and “On setting privileges in local fees for 2023” were discussed.
The public discussions organized in 2023:
Public discussions related to the draft decisions of Yerevan Council of Elders were organized in the period from February 9 to 24.
One-year and five-year programs of Yerevan development and the reports on their performance are available here.
An open public discussion was held in relation to the draft decision of the Council of Elders “On confirmation of the program of middle-term costs of Yerevan for 2024-2025”.