Public Transport in Yerevan
The transportation services for the residents of the capital city are provided by buses, trolleybuses, minibuses, and the Underground. Given the trend of increasing motor vehicle numbers in the capital city in recent years, the city authorities have adopted a policy to increase the proportion of high-capacity vehicles (buses and trolleybuses) in the urban route network and to exclude the use of minibuses.
The following passenger transport companies operate under the Yerevan Municipality system: "Karen Demirchyan Yerevan Metro," "Yerevan Electric Transport," "Yerevan Bus," "Yerevantrans" closed joint-stock companies, as well as "Parking City Service" CJSC, which carries out the installation, maintenance, and control of paid parking lots in Yerevan.
Itinerary Network
As part of systemic reforms in the public transport sector of Yerevan, emphasizing the need to improve the efficiency of the existing route network and create a new route network, the consulting company "WYG International Limited," recognized as the winner in an international competition announced with the support of the Asian Development Bank, has developed an efficient new route network for Yerevan public transport based on the best international practices, precise calculations, and standards. This includes the possibility of introducing unified electronic ticket systems, applying discount systems, acquiring new modern vehicles (buses, trolleybuses) while excluding minibuses, effective cooperation between other forms of public transport, significantly improving passenger service quality, and more.
In this context, the reconstruction and modernization of the depot located at 5 Tevosyan Street have begun to comply with modern standards. Within the same process, the area located at 16 Leningradyan Street, owned by "Yerevantrans" CJSC, has been improved, from which the operation of new buses is currently being organized.
As part of the process of introducing the new route network, 100 new small-class "GAZelle City" brand buses and 211 medium-class "Zhontong" brand city buses were acquired and imported into the capital with the funds of the Yerevan community in 2020-2021. Small-class buses serve 9 intracommunity minibus routes in Yerevan (No. 26, 38, 47, 24, 22, 55, 48, 62, 50), and "Zhontong" brand buses serve 16 bus routes (No. 3, 20, 97, 99, 28, 35, 11, 31, 15, 16, 30, 7, 23, 41, 74, 29), resulting in some improvement in the transport services situation and quality for citizens.
The vehicle replenishment work continued in 2022. Another 150 medium-class "Zhontong" brand buses, 87 large-class (12 meters long) "MAN" brand buses, and 15 "Yutong" brand trolleybuses were acquired. Most of the buses are already in the capital, and their operation will soon be organized on intracommunity routes in Yerevan.
The existing route network includes 35 minibus routes (502 units of vehicles), 50 bus routes (637 units of vehicles), and 10 trolleybus routes (108 units of vehicles).
Bus Transportation
The capital's bus fleet includes 699 buses, with 45 routes actually in operation, of which 420-430 units of vehicles are put on the line daily on average. The bus routes are serviced on a contractual basis by "Yerevan Bus" CJSC and 14 private companies.
As a result of the replenishment of the bus fleet in recent years, the volume of passenger transportation by buses has significantly increased. Specifically, in 2022, around 74.1 million passengers were transported by buses, which is about 3.6 million more compared to the previous year, and the share of bus transport in total passenger transportation reached approximately 50.8%. Despite this, the proportion of bus transportation in the total volume of regular passenger transportation within the community is still low. The efficiency of bus route operation in Yerevan remains small. To ensure regular transportation services for the capital's residents, it is necessary to continue organizing the operation of bus routes with new city buses, excluding minibuses, which is planned to be implemented within the process of introducing the new route network of Yerevan public transport.
Minibus Transportation
In fact, 34 minibus routes operate in Yerevan, equipped with around 430 units of various brands. On average, 320-330 units of vehicles are put on the line daily. These routes are serviced on a contractual basis by 17 private companies and "Yerevan Bus" CJSC.
In recent years, due to the reduction in the number of minibuses, the volume of passenger transportation by minibuses has significantly decreased. In 2022, approximately 44.2 million passengers were transported by minibuses, which is about 15.5 million less compared to 2021. Despite this, the share of minibuses in the capital's passenger transportation is still significant, accounting for around 30.2% of the total volume. Except for two "FIAT" brand minibuses, the rest are "GAZelle" brand minibuses, with an average age of about 12 years. A significant portion of the minibuses does not meet the requirements for regular passenger transportation and passenger service quality. According to the established procedure, minibuses that are 15 years old are subject to mandatory replacement, and in this regard, the operation of 25 minibuses manufactured in 2007 was stopped by the end of 2022.
Providing transportation services to the capital's residents by minibuses is unacceptable, therefore, replacing minibuses with buses has no alternative, which is planned to be implemented within the process of introducing the new route network.
Overground Electric Transport
The balance sheet of "Yerevan Electric Transport" CJSC includes 41 trolleybuses, including 7 "Škoda" and 34 "LIAZ" brands. The company services 5 trolleybus routes, with an average of 32-35 units of vehicles put on the line daily. In 2022, the number of passengers transported by trolleybuses increased to some extent, with 4307.5 thousand passengers transported, which is 388.5 thousand more compared to the previous year. The share of passengers transported by trolleybuses in total intracity passenger transportation is still low, constituting about 3.0%.
Considering the role of urban surface electric transport in the overall process of regular intracity passenger transportation, including from an environmental perspective, and emphasizing the need for its further development, 15 new "Yutong" brand trolleybuses were acquired in 2022, which will be imported into the capital soon (the replenishment of the trolleybus fleet will continue in 2023. It is planned to acquire another 15 new trolleybuses). Certain works are being carried out to repair the rolling stock of surface electric transport, contact and cable networks, traction substations, to build new sections of the contact network, to repair and re-equip production buildings of the trolleybus economy, and to increase the efficiency of trolleybus operation.
There are 10 stations in operation in the Yerevan Metro, with a line length of 12.1 km, and 45 carriages. In recent years, a trend of stabilization and growth in passenger transportation by the metro has been observed, which is mainly due to the improvement in the efficiency of metro operation and the quality of services provided, as well as the discontinuation of some bus and minibus routes. In 2022, 23317.6 thousand passengers were transported by the metro, which is 4841.6 thousand more compared to the previous year. The share of passenger transportation by the metro in total passenger transportation also increased, reaching about 16.0%. Significant growth in metro passenger transportation volumes can only occur through the expansion of the existing line, the construction, and operation of new stations, and relevant work is being carried out in this regard. The process of acquiring consulting services for the development of design-estimated documents for the construction of a new metro station in the Ajapnyak district was organized, and "Metrogiprotrans" company, recognized as the winner, has already started the relevant work.
Public Transport Stops
There are about 870 public transport stops in Yerevan, of which 387 are equipped with shelters and signs, and 483 with only signs. The introduction of the new route network of the capital assumes continuing the previously initiated work of restoring some former stops of public transport, as well as defining new stops according to the new route maps.
The furnishing of public transport stops in the capital has continued. During 2022, 44 shelters in the Ajapnyak administrative district were replaced with new ones, and 33 more were installed at existing stops. Additionally, 2 more shelters were installed on G. Nzhdeh Street. In 2023, it is planned to install shelters at 20 stops in the Davtashen and Nubarashen administrative districts, 13 and 7 respectively.
Parking Spaces
In order to regulate the field of parking spaces in the capital city, practical measures are being taken for organizing parking spaces on the streets (sections) and squares that are the community property of the capital city in accordance with the RA Law "On Local Fee for Vehicle Parking Spaces."
In particular, from the beginning of the process, paid parking spaces for vehicles were organized on the main streets of the Kentron and Arabkir administrative districts of Yerevan.
Due to the modernization and reform of paid parking spaces in Yerevan, new, modern equipment-software systems have been introduced, which made it possible to apply the automation function of surveillance cameras in parking lots, in particular, the recognition and digitization of license plates of vehicles parked in paid parking spaces.
In order to regulate the fee collection process in the underground parking lot of Liberty Square, a new, modern electronic system has been installed.
To promote the spread of environmentally friendly vehicles in Yerevan, the decision No. 689-N of December 27, 2022, of the Yerevan City Council has established a benefit for the local fee for parking spaces for owners or other legal possessors and operators of vehicles (electric cars) that exclusively use electricity as fuel and exclusively operate with an electric motor, exempting them from the payment of the calculated local parking fee.
Based on relevant decisions of the Yerevan City Council, 43 organizations and individuals were allowed in 2022 to organize and continue the operation of service parking spaces organized in previous years. By 28 decisions of the Mayor of Yerevan, 156 parking spaces for light passenger taxi-cars were established.
Transportation Services for Disabled People
To make city buses accessible for wheelchair users and people with special needs, all small and medium-class buses imported to the capital in 2020-2021 (100 and 211 units respectively) are equipped with ramps, ensuring the accessibility and convenience of public transport for people with disabilities (the 150 "Zhontong" brand, 87 "MAN" brand buses, and 15 trolleybuses acquired in 2022 are also equipped with ramps).
Emphasizing the need to ensure accessibility for citizens of low-mobility groups, consistent solutions are being implemented within the scope of the parking equipment works to allocate separate places for the vehicles of people with disabilities or those transporting them. In this context, parking spaces for the vehicles of people with disabilities have been allocated to 101 paid parking spaces through appropriate equipment.
According to decision No. 689-N of the Yerevan City Council dated December 27, 2022, the process of providing free parking permits for the vehicles of people with disabilities who have difficulty moving or those transporting such people is ongoing. By 2023, 66 permits have already been issued.
In the Ajapnyak administrative district, concave tiles were installed in the waiting areas of 17 public transport stops for the visually impaired as a pilot project.
During 2022, 61 pedestrian call signals installed in the capital were equipped with sound signals to ensure free movement for people with vision-related disabilities.
Traffic Regulation
According to Article 57 of the RA Law "On Local Self-Government in Yerevan," the Mayor of Yerevan exercises the following delegated power: Regulation of traffic in the territory of Yerevan through road markings, as well as the installation of traffic signs and traffic lights. To implement the above-mentioned power, the Yerevan Municipality was allocated 765,928.6 thousand drams from the state budget of the RA for 2022, within the framework of which relevant works were carried out throughout the year. A total of 5,130 traffic signs were prepared and installed, 529 traffic lights, 28 pedestrian call signals were serviced, operated, and restored after accidents, and horizontal and vertical markings were carried out, among other things.
To ensure the safe movement of pedestrians, pedestrian call signals were installed at 61 uncontrolled pedestrian crossings in the capital. It is planned to equip another 20 crossings in 2023.
It is planned to introduce new modern systems that will allow improving the implementation of traffic organization works and increasing their efficiency.