Department of Children and Social Protection

Activity of Children and Social Protection Department in January-June period
A number of programs involved in Yerevan community budget of 2023, cooperation with international and local NGOs were implemented by the department in the period from January to June of 2023. Meetings aimed at public awareness and efficiency increase will be organized as well. A unified information system will be installed to work out necessary procedures, such as electronic platform, local social programs, monitoring, attraction of specialists and so on.
Supporting repatriated and refuge families
1.In cooperation with the Migration and Citizenship Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the list of people having refugee status have been created and transferred to relevant divisions of the administrative districts of Yerevan to study their need. The results of studies of the needs have been summarized and the types of aid and social support were determined.
Cooperation with “Dormitories” SNCO to provide support.
2.It was planned to provide partial compensation of the unitalities during winter months to needy families.
Refresher courses
1.The World Vision Armenia financed by UNDP jointly with Children Development Foundation. Women Support Centre NGO and ARNAP Foundation, within the frames of “Community Available Social Service” (CLASS), and as a result of the cooperation with “Ambra” psychic welfare centre a refresher training was organized for social workers and psychologists.
2.Within the scope of the UNDP Data for Impact program, two-day awareness/training was organized to conduct studies of the resources by which the specialists of social sphere of Yerevan get information about the population’s social status, to work out and use an electronic platform (Aghveran).
Organization of high-quality social services in Yerevan community for different social groups
Preparations are made to arrange purchase processes.
Description of activity in social sphere
On 08.02 2023, the first stage of the process of accommodation of people from Artsakh who arrived in Yerevan because of Lachin Corridor blockage was implemented. The second stage was implemented on 21.02.2023, the third stage was implemented on 27.03.2023, the fourth stage was implemented on 27, 06.2023. The process also involved compensation of the payments for hotel stay and other services.
The meeting of the Council of Social Support adjunct to Yerevan Mayor was held at which the decision was made to provide social aid to 5 families appeared in a heavy situation: 3 families got partial compensation of tuition fees and 2 families got financial support to improve their living conditions.
A number of programs were carried out to solve employment problems. 5.788.120 AMD was disbursed from the city budget to ՞You Can” NGO to boost the employment of needy families. Specialists of the department provided methodological support to the specialists of relevant divisions of administrative districts.
1512 needy families (6036 people) were allotted packages containing groceries, clothing, hygiene items, household appliances and so on within the frames of cooperation with international NGOs, individual charity and other organizations. During the first term of 2023 46 families of those injured or disabled in Artsakh war were involved in various social programs.
The department worked out the mid-term program of expenditures for 2024-2026.
The department cooperated with the National Assembly, the RA Ministry of Labour and Social Programs, the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures, the RA Migration Service, staffs of the heads of administrative districts, the territorial centres of unified social services, international and public organizations ?Armenian Red Cross, World Vision, UNICEF and others).
The department cooperates with various local NGOs to ensure regularity of aid and services provided for vulnerable social layers. Such initiatives and programs involve charity actions, financial support, compensation of utilities, donations, medical aid for people of various ages with physical and mental disabilities. Compensation of utility fees was also allotted to nursing houses for elderly people and homeless shelters.
The department also monitors the provided programs and discusses with local NGOs the possibilities to find more ways of providing necessary aid.
On the event of the Women’s Day, Children’s Protection Day and other holidays, socially vulnerable layers got possibilities to attend performances, concerts and other events organized in different cultural centres of Yerevan.
Children’s Protection
In the field of children’s protection, the department also cooperates with various international and local organizations. The programs implemented in this sphere include care for orphaned children, organization of care and education for children with special needs, organization of children’s adoption, a number of citizens were registered as foster families. Supervision of the conditions in which adopted or fostered children live, as well as all necessary psychological aid are provided.
In the field of children’s protection, the department also cooperates with various international and local organizations. The programs implemented in this sphere include care for orphaned children, organization of care and education for children with special needs, organization of children’s adoption, a number of citizens were registered as foster families. Supervision of the conditions in which adopted or fostered children live, as well as all necessary psychological aid are provided.
The department cooperates with state establishments to ensure high-quality social support. To form a unified approach to dealing with children’s social protection cooperations is developed with the RA Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, the RA Police Department of Juvenile Issues, staffs of heads of administrative districts, orphanages, children care centres and relevant organizations (World Vision, SOS-Children’s Villages and others).