Taron Margaryan: “Public should be aware who is responsible for what and who will take the responsible for citizens’ inconveniences”


During the regular working meeting in the City Hall Mayor Taron Margaryan referred to water accumulations in the streets caused by heavy rainfalls occurred the previous week, as well as to the problems rooted in drainage systems. He stressed that the maintenance of rain pipes, drainage systems and the whole system of water supply are beyond Yerevan Municipality functions.
“For many years all the blames related to this have been put on us while the maintenance of the rain pipes, drainage systems and water supply is the function of “Veolia Water” company. Moreover, the control over the activity of this company is also beyond the powers of Yerevan Municipality and that control is exercised by the State Committee for Water Management. Public should be aware who is responsible for what and who will take the responsibility for citizens’ inconveniences. Those who think that staying hidden and not coming up with announcements they will remain unknown are mistaken. We will go on demanding as citizens apply to us so we demand it from you even though the control for it is beyond Yerevan Municipality powers.
In this concrete case the cleaning and maintenance of drainages is the obligation of “Veolia Water” company. According to weather forecast heavy rainfalls are expected this week too. So, go and get ready, clean up the drainage pipes so that such problems won’t appear again”, stressed Taron Margaryan.
During the meeting it was also reported that to fulfil Yerevan Mayor’s instruction measures are already being taken to restore the headwall tumbled down in Andranik street during the rainfall. Mayor Taron Margaryan instructed to keep the work under constant control.


Information and Public Relations
Department of the City Hall of Yerevan


Տարոն Մարգարյան. «Հանրությանը պետք է տեղեկացնել, թե ով և ինչի համար է պատասխանատու և ով պետք է պատասխան տա քաղաքացիների համար ստեղծված անհարմարությունների համար»