“In case of minor car accidents, the vehicle must be replaced from traffic zone maximum within 15 minutes”: changes in the Law about Yerevan


Some changes will be made in the Law about Yerevan: in case of minor car accidents, the vehicles must be replaced from the traffic zone maximum within 15 minutes. During the regular working meeting Mayor Tigran Avinyan instructed to take steps jointly with the Road Police to initiate the changes.
The Mayor stressed that waiting for the insurance company to arrive and confirm the damage in case of a minor car accidents causes traffic jams and lots of inconvenience. Thus, if there are no victims and hard injuries, the vehicles must be removed from the traffic zones no later than 15 minutes.
Within the frames of cooperation established with Ile-de-France region, a detailed study of Yerevan public transport itinerary network was performed, and the final version of the new itinerary network presented by the WYG company was scrutinized. Simultaneously, the road network of Yerevan was studied and analyzed, and the short-term and long-term action plans were worked out to install the complete routes of specially separated public transport lanes. It was reported that several offers of French partners aimed at route network efficiency increase were presented. With some road construction interference, the projects will make it possible to change streets and sidewalks expanding the areas provided for pedestrians, cyclists, trees and flowers and providing less traffic flows.
According to the Mayor, the changes are obviously unavoidable and there is no need for additional public discussion. The reforms are vital. The city should implement the changes step by step: first via road signs, then via construction activities, like in Paris. The work must be started in the busiest parts of the city. The situation is going to become more complicated for drivers, but public transport will work more effective as a result of the changes.
Yerevan is the only self-governance body where the GIS system has been installed. The platform creates wider possibilities for the city government and information digitalization. It was reported that the system is on the stage of expansion.
Yerevan is going to have a new General Plan. The work on the document is about to be completed. Attaching importance to the initiated processes, Mayor Avinyan outlined that all systems to be installed must be interconnected and have the same basis. The final goal is to make it possible for citizens to get information on the GIS map and to ensure transparency of the architectural and planning assignments set by Yerevan Municipality.

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