Social-economical cooperation agreement for 2011-2015 has been signed
On February 24 Yerevan mayor Karen Karapetyan and the general manager of “South Caucasus Railway” CJSC Shevket Shaydulin signed social-economical agreement for 2011-2015. Purposeful programs to be implemented in the sphere of railway transport and targeted at development of the capital social infrastructure urban objects are provided within the frames of cooperation. Evaluating the role of the company in the issue of social responsibility and active civil position, Yerevan mayor noted that the agreement is multilateral and as a whole provides good ground for the implementation of joint programs. K. Karapetyan pointed out the social significance of the provided programs for the population of the capital and expressed hope that this example of the city authorities and business structure cooperation will become contagious, in the finest sense of the word, for the business community. Having thanked for cooperation proposal, Shevket Shaydulin noted in his speech that the mutually beneficial partnership will soon give its results. "The directions of the cooperation are various, but on my opinion the most important aspect is that everything is to be done to provide the convenience of Yerevan population", said Shaydulin.
The signed agreement provides the collaboration of complex program of suburban and urban railway transport development, a creation of transport junction aimed at efficiency decrease of railway and underground, passenger motor transport. It has been provided to organize restoration and repairs of the rolling-stock of Yerevan underground and electric transport on the basis of "South Caucasus Railway" CJSC. Besides, 25%-59% discounts are provided for the students using trains inside the country. With the support of Yerevan municipality "South Caucasus Railway" CJSC will submit technical and economical calculations related to expansion draft of "Children's Railway" ( a new construction). Within the frames of the cooperation the parties will study the possibility of equipment of a passenger platform in the surroundings of “Almast” factoryfor the electric train moving in Yerevan-Hrazdan -Yerevan direction. Together with Yerevan municipality a possibility of founding a joint medical institution on the basis of one of the community medical institutions with the purpose of its reorganization into a up-to-date clinic which will provide medical services either to the population of the capital or the company staff. The company will also assist to organize professional classes and open a computer classroom in the capital secondary school N6 after Karapents.
Information and Public Relations Department
of the City Hall of Yerevan