Yerevan Council of Elders Make Changes in Standards for Placement of External Advertising
This year, the RA Government is going to allot 10 billion drams to the community of Yerevan for capital expenses. At the regular meeting the Council of Elders of Yerevan approved the draft decision and made changes in the budget of Yerevan for 2023. In particular, large-scale programs are to be fulfilled in other fields of the city economy:
1. 1041 elevators of 4239 ones that were used in the blocks of flats of Yerevan for more than 25 years, have been replaced with new ones in recent years, This year the number will reach 1614. Besides, the community plans to add to this number by financing replacement of old elevators from the city budget.
2. A gas pipeline of 10,6 km is to be installed in Nor Kharberd quarter. Due to the program approximately 250 houses will get gas supply which is 10% of the quarter.
3. The central park between the 1st and 2nd quarters of Davtashen as well as the park between Surb Sargis church and David Bek street in Nor Nork district will be overhauled.
4. The fountain complex will be laid in front of St. Gregory the Illuminator church, a comfortable rest zone will be formed here.
5. New and comfortable conditions will be provided in preschools N140 in Shengavit district, N41 preschool after G.Margaryan in Ajapnyak district and N105 kindergarten in Erebuni district; the yard areas of kindergarten N48 jn Ajapnyak and N 71 in Erebuni districts will be well-arranged as well. Due to renovations in some preschools, it is becoming possible to increase the number of groups.
6. To provide high quality medical services to the population the policlinic N11 in Arabkir district and N8 in Kilikia quarter will be overhauled. These policlinics service 112270 citizens.
7. An alternative road will be built in Nor-Marash district. The new road will be 128 m long and join Garegin Hovsepyan street to Saralanji bypass.
8. It is planned to build a sewage system in Verin Jrashen quarter of Erebuni and in the segment between school N61 and Armenakyan-Hovsepyan streets junction in Nor-Marash. The absence of proper sewage has been causing inconveniences for decades.
9. Road works are planned in 19 streets in Malatia-Sebastia, Kanaker-Zeutyn, Shengavit, Erebuni and Nor Nork districts. Generally, 18,6 km of asphalt cover is to be repaired.
10. Within the frames of “Renovation of Yerevan Metro infrastructures” it is planned to purchase 14 powerful tunnel ventilation systems. Tenders for all programs have been held.
Advertising billboards and posters spoil the look of Yerevan architecture. The Council of Elders made changes in the standards of external advertising placement. Yerevan Deputy Mayor Suren Grigoryan who was presenting the draft decision stressed that the structural changes pursue one goal- to regulate the sphere and find solutions to existing problems. “Townspeople, economic entities should understand that an advertising billboard is a guest on the building and not its owner. Advertisement must be adjusted to the building and look modest so that it doesn’t contradict the architectural look. First of all, we refer to all entities developing their business in the sphere, and then we will start awareness, urging and if necessary, applying fines and dismantling billboards and posters so that our city won’t have the look it has today”, stressed Suren Grigoryan.
On the decision of Yerevan Council of Elders, Nerkin Shengavit 6th street will be named after Armenian film director, script writer and actor, USSR People’s Artist Frunze Dovlatyan, Davtashen 2nd street will bear the name of eminent physicist, engineer, academician Paris Heruni, Nork 1st street in Nork-Marash- after Armenian sculptor, Arm.SSR Distinguished Painter, USSR Distinguished Artist Tereza Mirzoyan, Nork 10th street in Nork-Marash district will be named after the Arm. SSR People’s Painter Suren Safaryan, and Nork 6th street with its lanes in Nork-Marash district – after Armenian sculptor, Arm,SSR People’s Painter Ara Harutyunyan.
The square in the junction of Gevorg Chaysh, Shiraz and Mazmanyan streets in Ajapnyak administrative district has been named after Egypt. The petition was submitted by the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Simultaneously, a street in Egypt will be named after Armenia or Yerevan.
Another decision of the Council related to naming the basic school N180 in Yerevan after prominent writer, publicist, critic Zapel Yesayan, the basic school N163 in Yerevan will be named after eminent scientist, academician Grigor Gurzandyan.
A sculpture commemorating Avrora Mardizanyan will be placed in the area of Pantheon after Komitas. She was one of the most important people in Armenia history who was able to survived in the Genocide and tell the world about the most violent event happened to Armenians in Ottoman Empire.
The statue entitled “Blessed Be Your Name” authored by the prominent Armenian sculptor, RA People’s Artist, the member of the Arm.SSR Academy of Fine Arts Ghukas Chubaryan, will be installed in Children’s park in Yerevan.
“The Centre for Stray Animals Neutralization” PNCO will now be named “Animals Care Centre”. The project submitted to the Council of Elders stipulates to increase the functions for creation and use of shelters, as well as to implement care and monitoring of animals. The director of the municipal organization marked that neutralization is the best way to regulate the number of animals and the community has been able to bring the number of stray animals in Yerevan to more controllable quantity, the next stage provides for creation of shelters. Harutyun Arakelyan also informed that the process doesn’t mean that animals will be collected all together at the same time. The process will be implemented step by step and make it possible to find final solution.
The next regular meeting of the Council of Elders of Yerevan is scheduled for May 23.