Historic Performance: Augustin Hadelich and “Yerevan” Youth Symphonic Orchestra Are on One Stage


His music is full of breathing. The sound of heart and soul can be heard in it. One of the greatest contemporary musicians, the world-famous violinist, the Grammy awardee Augustin Hadelich was in Yerevan at the invitation of Yerevan Mayor. He performed on one stage with “Yerevan” Youth Symphonic Orchestra.
The first youth symphonic orchestra in Armenia has been preparing for the concert for months. Lots of rehearsals, new results, success, and here they are on the stage of “Aram Khachatryan” concert hall which is overcrowded with those who have been looking forward to the concert performed by the orchestra and the great violinist.
The orchestra conducted by maestro Eduard Topchyan and Augustin Hadelich performed Concerto for Violin by Beethoven.  The eminent violinist plays the precious rare violin created by Bartolomeo Giuseppe “del  Gesu” Guarneri  in 1744.
This historic performance will open a new page not only for the orchestra but for the Armenian performance art as well.
The “Yerevan” orchestra also performed the Symphony N4 by Chaikovsky. The audience gave the orchestra thunderous applause.


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