“Open Air Opera” Events with Participation of Armenian and World Stars


Dear townspeople, guests of the capital,
Yerevan Municipality would like to invite you to an exclusive cultural event. On September 12-15, for the first time in Yerevan, the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet of Armenia headed by maestro Karen Durgaryan is performing a unique program “Open Air Opera” in Tumo Park.
So, on September 12 and 13, you can enjoy the masterpiece of Armenian opera art – “Anush” opera by Armeni Tigranyan.
On September 14, the world-famous “Traviata” by Giuseppe Verdi is on stage, and on September 15, the final “Opera Gala” program led by eminent conductor Fabio Mastrangelo is performed.
Armenian and world opera stars take part in the concert as well. Among the world-known stars are Veronika Gioeva, Anahit Mkhitaryan, Karina Flores, Ramiz Usmanov, Margarita Gritskova, Hovhannes Ayvazyan, David Babayants, Azamat Zheltrguzov.
The events start at 20:00.
Don’t miss the unique chance to enjoy classic art!


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