Platform for information about dust level in air has been worked out to be available for everyone


Separate changing rooms for employees of the sphere of waste removal and sanitary cleaning are going to be built in the administrative districts. During the regular working meeting it was instructed to separate appropriate areas and to use a unified approach in the construction of such changing rooms.
The platform for the information about the level of dust pollution of the air was created based on the date received via air quality measuring devices and GIS system installed in Yerevan. The platform will be available for everyone on the official website of Yerevan municipality The platform makes it possible to get information on the dust pollution level throughout the city.
 In 2024, about 500 wheelchair ramps are to be constructed in the city. This year certain changes were made in technical assignments: the requirements were set to make those ramps maximally available and convenient for different groups of population.
Special elevators for people with locomotor problems will be installed at 9 locations. The elevators will soon be put into operation at the underground crossings at the secondary school N76, the market in Komitas avenue and nearby “Kilikia” bus station. At other locations the elevators are under construction. It was instructed to adjust the wheelchair ramps with the elevators. 
 Video cameras will be installed in municipal kindergartens. The surroundings, floor plans and groups of nearly 50 kindergartens were studied. Approximately 1700 spots for video surveillance are necessary to complete the program.
A new enclosure will be constructed for the elephant in Yerevan zoo. Comfortable facilities will make it possible to host another elephant.



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