The issues related to implementation of the program of Yerevan’s cooperation with the Asian Bank for Development have been discussed


The issues related to the activities being realized with the frames of investment program of sustainable urban development were discussed during the meeting of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan with the delegation headed by the executive manager of the Asian Bank for Development Claus Ger Hansen. Greeting the guests and pointing out the importance of road construction programs including the program of bypass road construction mayor Taron Margaryan stressed that from the point of view of traffic regulation the activities carried out within the scope of the 1st tranche
of investment program of sustainable urban development were particularly important.
Referring to the 2nd tranche Taron Margaryan stressed that attaching particular importance to the cooperation with the ABR the Municipality of Yerevan is ready to assist within its powers in making the activities provided by this part get a new level within a short time.
“taking into account that the activities of the first stage carried out within the frames of the 1st tranche are being realized successfully we expect to start the program provided by the 2nd tranche which will make it possible to complete the construction of bypass roads”, said the Mayor of Yerevan.
Having thanked for the warm welcome the executive manager of the Asian Bank for Development Claus Ger Hansen expressed satisfaction with the results of the program and stressed that the Municipality of Yerevan is really a reliable partner.
“Within the frames of the 1st tranche program effective work has been carried out and the results are obvious today. Be sure, Mister Mayor, that we really highly appreciate the cooperation with the Municipality of Yerevan as we see the readiness to realize the outlined activities”, stressed Claus Ger Hansen adding that the cooperation will be long lasting.


Information and Public Relations Department
of the City Hall of Yerevan


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