Mayor Taron Margaryan meets with the Vice President of the European Investment Bank
The issues related to the programs carried out jointly with Yerevan Municipality and the European Investment Bank were discussed during the meeting of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan with the delegation headed by the Vice President of the European Investment Bank Vazil Hudak. Attaching particular importance to these programs Mayor Taron Margaryan noted that as a result of many-year cooperation of Yerevan Municipality with the European Investment Bank programs important for Yerevan are carried out in various spheres.
“Today we are signing the agreement on realization of the program aimed at program efficiency increase in Yerevan which is unique not only from the point of view of positive financial and ecological influence but also because Yerevan will be given a non-sovereign loan for the first time. Thus, Yerevan will become the first community to get a loan from the international donor organization without state guarantee. We express our sincere gratitude to our partners from the European Investment Bank and particularly to Madam Violine Silvestro for as a result of our teamwork today we are going to sign the first treaty on giving non-sovereign loan. We are grateful for your readiness in co-financing the process of public transport improvement which is one of the most important problems rooted before the capital”, stressed Mayor Taron Margaryan and added that within its powers Yerevan Municipality is ready to discuss all the programs aimed at the well-being of the residents of the capital.
Mayor Taron Margaryan also referred to the grant agreement which is going to be signed today and is part of the program aimed at the improvement of the system of solid wastes management.
Due to the program of solid wastes management in the capital a number of ecological problems will be solved. It is very important to construct the new wastes polygon near the functioning dump in Nubarashen which will correspond to international standards. Within the scope of the program it is planned to close the functioning dumps in Nubarashen and Ajapnyak. I am sure that this program will be implemented in accordance with the schedule and in high quality”, stressed the Mayor of Yerevan.
The Vice President of EIB Vazil Hudak in his turn expressed gratitude to Mayor Taron Margaryan and the Municipality staff for effective teamwork and noted that the bilateral cooperation will be effective and the results will be satisfactory.
“Mister Mayor, all our jointly initiated programs have been successfully fulfilled. As a result, today Yerevan is becoming the first community to get the loan from international donor organization without state guarantee. It is a historical moment and it witnesses more tight cooperation between the Council of Europe and Armenia. Be sure that Yerevan is a reliable partner for the bank and we are ready to take part in all your programs aimed at the improvement of different spheres of urban economy”, stressed Vazil Hudak.
Information and Pubic Relations Department
of the City Hall of Yerevan