Design deviations applied to historical buildings are illegal: harsh measures must be taken in this regard


The historical buildings located in Yerevan have been inventoried in teamwork with the Ministry of ESCS to restore them. During the weekly working meeting it was reported that approximately 50 units of historical buildings, which are owned by individuals or private companies and need renovation, had been registered. The control over such buildings has been strengthened by the decision of the Council of Elders. The Mayor outlined that in accordance with the new law, harsh measures will be taken in case of violation of the rules of preservation of the historical buildings. All owners of the buildings of cultural and historical significance are obliged to restore the buildings in their original design without any design deviation, otherwise harsh measures will be taken.
The process of re-equipment of paid parking lots  is going on in Zakyan street and in Abovyan-Nalbandyan segment of Pushkin street. In the July, the process will be over in Tumanyan-Pushkin segment of Koghbatsi street, in Mashtots-Koghbatsi segment of Pushkin street, in Pushkin-Hin Yerevantsi street of Teryan street and in Hin Yerevantsi-Tumanyan segment of Teryan street.
It is planned to turn Noragyugh quarter into the new centre of Yerevan which will make it possible to combine the new and the traditional of the city and to find solutions to the problems rooted for years. The sophisticated French company worked out the complete general plan of the reconstruction: Mayor Tigran Avinyan instructed to organize the process so that no deviation from the plan could be possible.
The decision about considering the improvement of the 4th segment of Circular park as a priority interest has been submitted to the Government discussion. The process of property assessment is going to start soon.
The residents of the 4th grade emergency buildings N 10 and 17 in Arzumanyan street are going to get new flats after waiting for decades.48 contracts have been signed with the owners.
A new recreational zone is being laid in the middle of the Surb Sargis Church and Davit Bek Street in Nor Nork administrative district. The park will have a fountain pool, cascading stairs, a section with playgrounds for children, an area designated for dog walking, and a forest zone with an irrigation system will be created as well.

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