The 4th Watermelon festival opens at Swan's Lake on July 16


Dear co-citizens,
Within the frames of “Yerevan summer 2016” program, on July 16, at 18.00 the annual Watermelon festival opens in the area of Swan's Lake. Besides those who love watermelon, the event will unite the specialists of carving: the companies participating in the festival will offer unique ways of serving decorating watermelons, and the authors of the best ones will be awarded. The festival will be accompanied with the concert of popular singers. Watermelon treatment-show will be organized for the townspeople and the guests of the capital by the representative of show-business. During the event games and competitions will be organized as well. The winners will be awarded by Yerevan Municipality and partner organizations. The results of the photo competition announced in advance will be summarized. By the way, the participant presented the biggest watermelon will also get a prize.
This year some other pleasant surprises will await you at this year's Watermelon festival.


Information and Public Relations Department
of the City hall of Yerevan

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