Another action of aid for the people with disabilities


Due to the cooperation of Yerevan and Marseille, France about 180 wheelchairs for people with disabilities, as well as medical equipment and books were sent to Yerevan from the sister city. In front of the City Hall Deputy Mayor of Yerevan David Ohanyan passed the 180 wheelchairs to the Union of the Disabled People of Armenia «Pyunik». Additional 15 wheelchairs and medical equipment were provided for the medical center «Surb Astvatsamayr» subordinated to the Municipality. The books were given to the library after Avetik Isahakyan. The Deputy Mayor of Yerevan David Ohanyan answering the questions of the journalists said that the programs concerning the people with disabilities are of high priority for the Municipality. «Last year, on the proposal of the Mayor of Yerevan, the construction of wheelchair ramps was financed form the budget of Yerevan for the first time. The Municipality of Yerevan offered the Union of Disabled People of Armenia «Pyunik» and to other non-government organizations to cooperate within the frames of this program. This year two time more money, AMD 40 million, was disbursed from the Yerevan budget for the construction of ramps. On the instruction of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan this year we are going to cooperate with the private sector. Besides, in 2014 10 buses will be equipped with special lifts», said David Ohanyan. The CEO of «Unison» NGO Armen Alaverdyan stressed that the Municipality of Yerevan attaches particular importance to the issue of protection of the rights of disabled people and to solving their problems.
«The problems are solved quickly and effectively. It is desirable that the experience of Yerevan be applied in other cities. I particularly greet the recent decision of the Council of Elders as a result of which disabled people are freed from paying car parking fees. We cooperate with the Municipality of Yerevan within the frames of these programs, consider them and today, by the initiative of the mayor we have perfectly constructed wheelchair ramps, Today Yerevan is becoming more available for everybody. On behalf of «Unison» NGO I want to thank personally Taron Margaryan and the Council of elders of Yerevan as a result of decision of which we have been allocated an area in Erebuni district and 10 disabled people will be employed», noted the CEO of «Unison» Armen Alaverdyan.


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