Reports on Yerevan budget performance in 2021 and on Development Program to be submitted to Council of Elders after pubic discussions


For 15 days Yerevan residents had the opportunity to get informed about reports on the activities carried out within the Program of Yerevan Development of 2021 and the city budget performance of that year and to make suggestions.
Three citizens participated in the open hearings held in the City Hall. The issues raised related to the environment protection, particularly to cleaning up the river beds.

A detailed report was made on the activities carried out by the Municipality the previous year and it was mentioned that installation of new tools is planned for this year. In relation to online applications it was mentioned that the suggestions received were about the formats of reports.

First Deputy Mayor Levon Hovhannisyan, who conducted the meeting, stressed that the community attaches importance to the problems of residents’ concern and that new complex programs of improvements are planned in several spheres.
Summing up the results of the hearings the members of the Council for Managing the Five-year Development Program and Annual Budget adjunct to the Mayor of Yerevan made a decision to submit the reports to the Council of Elders.

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