The monument “Peace stone of Hiroshima” was placed in Yerevan


The honour of opening the “Peace stone” monument placed in Children’s park in Yerevan was given to Deputy Mayor of Yerevan Aram Sukiasyan and the head of “Peace stone” association of Hiroshima Michiko Umemoto. Presenting the origin of the stone the head of “Peace stone” association of Hiroshima said that it is one of 188 slabs taken out from the covering of the railway passing near the river Ayom in 200 m from the epicenter of nuclear bomb explosion in Hiroshima. “It's a honour for us to have the possibility to convey a piece of hearth warmth of the residents of Hiroshima to the residents of Armenia. People of Hiroshima engraved the goddess of charity, Kannon praying for peace on each stone. In 1991 the dwellers of Hiroshima decided to collect these stones and present them to the heads of the countries. These slabs are mute witnesses of the tragedy and they will become the symbol of harmony, friendship and peace. We are grateful to President of Armenia for his support due to which the Peace stone of Hiroshima will live a new life on the Armenian land in Yerevan”, said the head of “Peace stone” association of Hiroshima Michiko Umemoto.

The Ambassador of Armenia to Japan Hrant Pohosyan, the assistant to the RА President Varuzhan Nersisyan, the RA NA delegate, the head of Armenian-Japanese friendship Samvel Farmanyan, the head of the department of Asia, Pacific region and Africa Ashot Voskanyan and the members of the delegation headed by the leader of «Peace stone» association of Hiroshima were also present at the solemn ceremony of unveiling the monument. The RA President's assistant Varuzhan Nersisyan greeted the Japan delegation and those present on behalf of the RA President Serzh Sargsyan and said that as a result of the visit of the President of Armenia to Japan in 2012 the Armenian-Japanese relations have strengthened. He also mentioned that at the beginning of 2015 the Embassy of Japan is opening in Yerevan.

“This development has a big and positive influence on the activation of ties between our countries and people. The opening of the Peace stone is another important step directed at the extension of Armenian-Japanese ties”, stressed the RA President's assistant.

In response to the greeting address of the Mayor of Hiroshima Deputy Mayor Aram Sukiasyan on behalf of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan expressed gratitude for sending one of these symbolic stones to Yerevan.

“I am glad, that Yerevan is among those capitals and cities. Armenian people has had a lot of losses, survived many tragedies and appreciates peace. And today we make efforts to establish peace in the region”, said Aram Sukiasyan.

The choir “Little singers of Armenia” performed a song ''Homeland'' in the Japanese language during the event. The symbolic precept of the residents of Hiroshima is engraved on the stone in three languages. It says ''Drawing a lesson from our sufferings and following the sence of fault we have towards other peoples experienced the World War II, by means of our Constitution we stated our decision never to apply aggression towards other countries. We present these stones to the peoples of the world hoping that mankind will share our desire to live at peace having in front of us the tragedy of Hiroshima reminding how important peace is is''.


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