Yerevan and Leipzig to Develop Ties Round Realistic Programs

Foreign relations

Yerevan First Deputy Mayor Armen Pambukhchyan met the RA Honorary Consul in Saxony state of Germany Lucas Flother.
Pointing out the current high level of Armenian-German cooperation, the Deputy Mayor stressed the willingness of Yerevan Municipality to discuss and expand the cooperation with German cities, including the sister-city Leipzig.
Expressing gratitude for warm welcome Lucas Flother marked that Leipzig is one of fast developing cities of Germany, and in this context the German party intends to deepen the cooperation with Yerevan.
During the meeting the parties exchanged thoughts about experience exchange in the fields of transport, environment protection as well as implementation of joint investment programs. The two cities are also willing to cooperate in the sphere of culture.
Armen Pambukhchyan restated the position of the city authorities and expressed confidence that after scrutinizing the proposals, the most realistic programs will be outlined.

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