150 public servants got refresher trainings due to Yerevan Municipality and UNDP joint program


Yerevan Municipality together with the UN Development Program provided three-day refresher trainings entitled “Budgeting of Sustainable Development Goals” within the scope of “Financing for changing Armenia revealing financing sources for Armenia-2030” program. The specialists of the sphere of finances, revenue accounting and collection of Yerevan Municipality and the staffs of administrative districts participated in the training. The program makes it possible for the participants to develop their knowledge and professional skills, exchange their experience and to estimate their abilities. At the end of the training the participants got certificates.
Yerevan Mayor Hrachya Sargsyan, the acting resident representative of UNDP in Armenia Konstantin Sokulski were present at the event.
Touching upon the effective cooperation with the UNDP the Mayor stressed the importance of education development and professional growth of employees.
“The importance of self-education is increasing taking into account development of digital technologies and growing of information flows. I am grateful to our partners from the UNDP for their role in this program. We will go on our collaboration in other directions as well because competitive staff is highly important for effectiveness of the work”, stressed Hrachya Sargsyan.
Konstantin Sokulski in his turn marked that the UNDP office in Armenia is ready to carry on supporting Yerevan Municipality in the implementation of strategic development programs.
“I’d like to outline our successful cooperation in various projects. As regards the refresher trainings it should be noted that the participants improve their knowledge and skills in the fields of leadership, communication, finances and others by innovative and inclusive methods”, stated the acting resident representative of the UNDP in Armenia.
According to Yerevan Mayor’s Advisor Mery Margaryan, the trainings will be continued in the form of experience exchange in other countries. Not only will the public servants of Yerevan Municipality and administrative districts be involved in the programs but the employees of other municipal establishments as well.
The participants of the training entitled “Development of Competence and Person’s Branding” were handed certificates during the event.


Երևանի քաղաքապետարանի և ՄԱԶԾ-ի համատեղ ծրագրով վերապատրաստվել է շուրջ 150 համայնքային ծառայող