A transport control center to operate in Yerevan


A transport control center is going to operate in Yerevan. During the regular working meeting, it was reported that the construction work on the center hits its final stage.
The drivers of "Yerevan Bus" company receive night travel allowances for working after 22:00. They are also provided with medical insurance up to 5 million drams per year. The hourly wage of the drivers of "Haiger" buses has increased from 1050 to 1800 drams since January 1.
The renovation of "Arabkir" Health Center has been fully completed. Medical care for citizens is already provided in upgraded facilities. The center is also has new furniture and up-to-date medical equipment.
A new park with a surface of about 2500 square meters, adjacent to St. Gregory the Illuminator church in Yerevan, has opened for townspeople. The recreation area has swimming pools, a fountain complex, and is equipped with LED outdoor lighting; benches have been installed on the territory as well.
CCTV cameras are being installed in municipal kindergartens. This is done primarily for the safety of children. Yerevan Municipality is implementing this project to make the activities of kindergartens more accountable.
 Yerevan Municipality has developed a four-year plan for air quality improvement. This comprehensive plan will include targeted actions, clear numerical indicators, and all possible measures that will reduce air pollution, taking into account the human factor and the application of certain restrictions.

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