Tripartite memorandum of cooperation has been signed with the aim of realization of “Yerevan-smart city” strategic program


Yerevan Municipality, VivaCell-MTS company and the Union of Employers of Information and Communication technologies signed the tripartite memorandum of Cooperation expressing this way their readiness to assist with their joint efforts in the realization of “Yerevan-smart city” program.
According to the memorandum, Yerevan Municipality in the person of Mayor Taron Margaryan expressed willingness due to the efforts of the commission for working out and implementation of “Yerevan –smart city” program to organize short-term and long-term events which will benefit working out of innovative solutions in all spheres of urban economy management. In its turn, VivaCell-MTS company with its program of social investments will assist in the realization of joint programs provided by “Yerevan-smart city” project which will promote further development of Yerevan by means of creation of innovative infrastructures.
“It is impossible to imagine a modern city within the infrastructure based on up-to-date technical solutions. The role of information and communication technologies in urban economy development can’t be overvalued. These technologies must serve the population providing more comfortable conditions”, said the Manager General of “VivaCell-MTS” Ralf Yirikyan.
The Union of Employers of information and communication technologies in the person of its chairman Armen Baldryan expressed willingness to take part in the activities for working our and implementation of “Yerevan –smart city” program as well as to assist in the events carried out by Yerevan Municipality which will contribute to application of innovative solutions in various spheres of urban economy.
Attaching particular importance to further modernization of Yerevan infrastructures and increase of Yerevan rating worldwide the parties will cooperate in the sphere of working out and application of innovative solutions of information and telecommunication technologies.


Information and Public Relations Department
of the City Hal of Yerevan


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