“No Illegal Constructions to Be in Yerevan”: Mayor Tigran Avinyan


The area along Myasnikyan avenue will be greened. During the working conference it was reported that there is a surface of 25 hectares to be covered with trees in the mentioned area. Greening this area will be auspicious for the environment of the city centre. Before starting the project, the area must be cleaned up and freed from illegal constructions.
"The time of orchards and illegal constructions was over long ago. We are going to discuss certain legislative changes which will make such land occupations more complicated.  Stealing money from the community budget and stealing community lands are all the same for me. We must act and not negotiate in this regard. The green fund of Yerevan has been decreasing for decades because of illegal land occupation and neglect”, stressed the Mayor.
 The total number of sodium-vapor and mercury-vapor lamps replaced with LED lamps in 2023 is 11563. It is planned to complete the program of installing energy saving lamps throughout the city in 2026.
The 4th segment of “Circular” park will be fully improved to make comfortable environment for residents’ recreation. The project is to be implemented with an investment program.
“All public green zones must be returned to residents”, outlined the Mayor.
The fleet of Yerevan metro will be replenished with another overhauled and modernized train of three carriages. Last year three new trains of three carriages were put into operation.
Accordingly, the underground will have 4 three-carriage trains which will significantly improve passenger transportation.
A new building for the Sport School of Gymnastics of the Olympic reserve after Albert Azaryan will be built in the area of 15500 sq/m adjacent to the “Hrazdan” stadium. The sport establishment will correspond with all standards required for the appropriate organization of trainings and international competitions.