Yerevan took part in Caucasus Tourism Fair - 2016


Yerevan was represented at the 18th international fair Caucasus Tourism Fair CTF 2016 held in Tbilisi.

About 100 representatives of tourism companies and hotel businesses from Armenia, Georgia, Estonia, Indonesia, Thailand and other countries took part in the event.
Yerevan was represented at the fair with a separate pavilion where the peculiarities of the capital as a popular tourism direction were presented. Yerevan Municipality took part in the fair at the behest of Tbilisi Municipality. 4 tourist agencies were represented in Yerevan pavilion. The head of tourism unit of Yerevan Municipality Department of Culture and Tourism Maya Tokhalyan noted that within 3 days Yerevan and other cities participating in the fair were given the opportunity to present their regional competitive abilities as well as the possibilities of mutually beneficial cooperation in the sphere of tourism.
«Tourists from Yerevan and Armenia are at the top of the list of the tourists visiting Georgia. Today it's very important for us to make Yerevan more attractive for Georgian tourists particularly taking into account the fact that it's only a 4.5-hour drive from Tbilisi to Yerevan which is nearer than for example. Batumi. Yerevan is also attractive with its festival tourism which is increasingly developing and attracting a greater number of tourists. For Georgian tourists Yerevan can become preferable as a direction of week-end trips. The participation in the fair is a good opportunity to present your city and to study the experience of other countries», said Maya Tokhalyan adding that within the scope of the fair certain arrangements were made with partner cities. The tourism unit of Yerevan Municipality also took part in the international forum held within the frames of the Caucasus Tourism fair CTF 2016.


Information and Public Relations Department
of the City hall of Yerevan

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