Within the frames of improvement programs the volume of the green areas of the capital will increase by 25 hectares


During the press conference the director of ''Yerevan project'' CJSC of the Municipality of Yerevan Sirekan Ohanyan presented the drafts of reconstruction of some gardens and parks provided for 2014 in the capital. These projects are to be realized both by means of the community budget and trough investments. Due to construction of recreation areas provided by the activities of this year and the four-year program of Yerevan development comfortable environment will be provided for the residents and the guests of the capital.'' With the realization of this project ordered by the Municipality of Yerevan we solve the problem of green areas expansion, and refreshment as well as the problem of the gardens neglected for a long time. In fact, this is the consistent realization of the pre-election programs of Mayor Taron Margaryan which are gradually called into life. It should be noted that we have fixed certain growth in this regard, thus it becomes possible to include additional areas which haven't been provided for in the improvement programs of the following years., which will also be directed at the development of the capital'', stressed Sirekan Ohanyan.
The director of ''Yerevanproject'' CJSC noted that the reconstruction of the children's park after Kirov had already started. The process is implemented by means of private investments, by the leaser, and that is a contractual obligation. As a result of this program this recreation zone will look in a new way and be provided with all the conditions necessary for full recreation.''As a result of the complex project, keeping all the components of improvement we set a task to modernize the children's attractions, the system of irrigation which will make it possible to refresh the lawns. The constructions existing and operating at the present in the park will also be updated with new architectural solutions'', said Sirekan Ohanyan.

Referring to the improvement projects of the recreation zones of Main avenue in the segment of Vernisage and Malibu cafe Sirekan Ohanyan said that the reconstruction of the mentioned parks is also a necessity. ''This recreation zones being constructed in the 1970s in the areas adjacent to Saryan-Mashtots and Nalbandyan-Hanrapetutyan streets have lost their significance. Within the frames of the improvement program a complex approach is to be shown so as the gardens will look as charming as they used to do. It should be noted that the previous design and green areas of the park will be preserved. The existing fountain basins are to be updated, the number of lawns is to be increased, sorts of trees corresponding to the climate of Yerevan are to be planted. I can as'sure you that as a result these areas will become more well-arranged and landscaped providing a new convenient environment'', stressed Sirekan Ohanyan.
The program o reconstruction of the park adjacent to the Pantheon after Komitas is to be finished in the current year. In this area making up about 7 heactares comfortable conditions will be created as well. The external lighting and irrigation systems will be updated. This area which doesn't look well-arranged today, will be completely reconstructed becoming a recreation zone of the city significance.
Sirekan Ohanyan also presented the project of reconstruction of Azatamartiks' park in Stepanakert which is also included in the programs of the Municipality of Yerevan. This project to be implemented within the scope of the Friendship treaty signed between the municipalities of Yerevan and Stepanakert, is actually a present of Yerevan to the residents and guests of Stepanakert. As a result of the reconstruction project the park of Azatsmartiks located in the center of the capital of the NKR will get a completely new look.

According to the reporter, besides the recreation zones particular importance is attached in the programs of Yerevan development to the construction of the new bypass roads which are aimed at the traffic relief in the center of the capital. ''The construction of the new road connecting Isakov and Arshaknyants avenues is one of similar projects. In fact, this road will become a logical continuation of the motorway connecting Leningradyan street to Isakov avenue'', said the director of ''Yerevanproject'' CJSC.

On the whole, as a result of the program of reconstruction of gardens and parks and creation of new ones provided by 2014 program, the number of the well-arranged parks of the capital will increase by 10 adding about 25 hectares to the total volume of green areas in the capital.


Information and Public Relations Department
of the City Hall of Yerevan


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