More than 620 million drams to be allotted for Yerevan Metro Renovation


Yerevan Council of Elders decided to engage an auditory service to set an efficient supervision over Yerevan budget implementation. The selection will be competitive. This is required by the law “On Local Self-Governance in Yerevan”.
Within the frames of the powers delegated by the state, the community budget will be increased by 620 million 620 thousand drams which will be allotted to renovation of Yerevan Metro infrastructures, particularly on procurement of the pairs of wheels for 32 trains and 4200 m of rails. 93 million 141 thousand drams will be disbursed to educational programs.
 By the government’s decision, current targeted subventions in the community budgeted income statement have increased by 1 million 200 thousand drams. The amounts will be used to compensate 8 employees who started their alternative working service at “Landscaping and Environment Preservation” NCO within the scope of summer conscription.
By the same decision of the Council, 71 million 422 thousand drams will be allotted for the replenishment of the authorized capital of “Yerevan Electratransport” CJSC. The project also anticipates income increase by 33 million 21 thousand drams in 3 community museums due to increasing local admission fees.
By the previously made decision of the Council, open-air cultural activities can be carried out in the areas not closer than 10 m to residential and public significance buildings from 10:00 till 21:00, and from 21:00 till 23:00 the distance must be not closer than 100 m. At this meeting the Council decided that the restriction doesn’t refer to artists, painters and craftsmen as their activity doesn’t make any noise.
Yerevan Council of Elders set a privilege in payment of property and vehicle tax for 20 citizens who correspond to the standards of the groups determined in December 2022:
1.    Members of the families of those who fell while defending Artsakh and Republic of Armenia, while carrying out special tasks or as a result of the rival attacks, or were injured during the mentioned activities and died as a result of those injuries later;
2.    1st and 2nd group disabled who got their disability as a result of Artsakh and Republic of Armenia wars.
3.    People (or their family members) who were captured, missing, or recognized as dead as a result of martial activities during the RA defense, or during the martial duty on the line of contact with the enemy, or while implementing special assignments or as a result of the enemy’s attack.
Special decisions of the Council referred to the placement of memorial boards commemorating the Armenian poet, RA Distinguished Culture Figure Yuri Sahakyan, the founder and director of the Physics Applied Problems Institute of the NAS, RA Distinguished Scientist, Academician Alpik Mkrtchyan, the Arm.SSR and USSR Distinguished builder Ararat Sahakyan and the former director of Yerevan Jewelry Factory Emil Grigoryan.
The meeting was followed by Q&A. The Council members addressed their questions to the Mayor, heads of administrative districts and the municipality subdivisions.
The next regular meeting of the Council of Elders is scheduled for December 26.