Council of Elders Confirmed Yerevan Budget and Development Programs for 2024


During the upcoming five years Yerevan will be developing in accordance with the five-year program confirmed by the Council of Elders. In particular, it is planned to renovate the entire road network of Yerevan (271 km), the main streets of the citywide significance will be passed to current servicing.  A new public transport itinerary network and a unified transport system will be installed, which means procurement of new, modern vehicles, a unified ticket system and smart bus stops. After fulfilment of the anticipated measures, Yerevan will have no elevators in emergency condition, municipal kindergartens that need overhauling, 14 new sport schools will be built in the administrative districts, a new city park will be laid in the area of 230 ha in Dalma Gardens, a forest zone will be created in the area of 10 ha in the former gardens of Nork district so as to form a buffer zone, more than half of the irrigation system of Yerevan will be restores and modernized with the installation of 120 km of new network, development of the new General Plan of Yerevan will be completed, several alternative roads will be built to ensure the traffic relief in the city centre. Besides, a unified e-platform and a mobile app for more than 150 services will be launched to improve the quality of services provided to the residents.
The council also discussed and confirmed by voting the budget of Yerevan for 2024. Next year significant financial means will be allotted for several programs. It is planned to disburse 4 milliard drams for the construction of Ajapnyak metro station, and for the renovation of infrastructures the amount of 879 million dram is anticipated. The improvement of recreation zones, parks and yard areas, wastewater discharge, construction of wheelchair access, renovation of preschools and other programs will get financing as well.
The council also set the tariffs for local fees and duties in Yerevan for the year 2024. Some changes were made in relation to parking fees which are aimed at traffic relief in the city centre. Some privileges in local fees were provided as well. 
This year the community will solve the problem of resettlement of 57 families living in 4th level emergency buildings. The council decided to transfer the emergency properties of the resettled residents which are subjected to dismantling to the Municipality.
 The next meeting of Yerevan Council of Elders is scheduled for February 13.