Efficiency increase, control, faster decision-making: Yerevan Municipality digitalizes services rendered to citizens


From April 1, while selling and buying vehicles as well as in the process of a vehicle breakdown citizens are no longer required documents on liabilities. The data are sent to the RA Police electronically from the unified tax database. During the regular working meeting it was reported that as of April 1, 2278 inquiries were fixed at the Road Police and 1190 alienation were carried out.

“This means that more that 2000 citizens didn’t need to visit administrative districts to take 0 liability reference. The community must carry on all legal reforms that are aimed at making citizens’ life more convenient”, marked Mayor Hrachya Sargsyan.



To increase the quality of services rendered to citizens the electronic “Mulberry” system of paperwork was installed in Yerevan municipality o April 1. The Mayor thanked the persons in charge of the staff who maintained full installation of the system in the City Hall.

“We must carry on the process of digitalization in different spheres of the city economy which is actually a possibility to increase the efficiency of work organization, control and decision-making. From now on all assignments will be given via “Mulberry”, and the remaining samples of paper documents will be digitized as well, This is a fundamental decision and it will certainly resulted in providing citizens with high quality services”, stressed the Mayor.



The process of removing useless advertisement boards in the capital started on April 1. To organized a better coordinated process the listing of those ads has been carried out in all administrative districts. The program started in Nor Nork district.



Deputy Mayor Suren Grigoryan reported that to provide accurate accounting in the field of outdoor advertizing and to make the sphere controllable an electronic map was created. It was also noted that certain measures are taken to digitalize the whole process of giving permissions for advertizing.

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