April 13-citywide tree planting day


Within the aim of restoration of the properties damaged in yard areas (children’s playgrounds) inventory is to be carried out. During the working meeting Mayor Hayk Marutyan instructed to pay special attention to residents’ security.
In May, the parents of the fixed-period servicemen will have the opportunity to visit their sons serving in the frontier military units. In this regard it was reported that in teamwork with the RA Ministry of Defense the preparations had been started. Within the frames of the visit it was instructed to organize cultural events in the military units. The visit is planned for May 17.
April 13 is announced in the capital as a citywide tree planting day. It was instructed to make preparations for proper organization.
The control over elimination of illegal street trade is going on. Last week 15 protocols on administrative violations were drawn up. During the working meeting it was also instructed to carry out appropriate improvements, sanitary cleaning of the area surrounding the Memorial complex of Tsistsernakaberd to bring it to order prior to April 24- the Commemoration Day of the Genocide Victims.


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