Appropriate traffic lights signal to be installed on junctions with constant right-hand traffic


Bus stop cabins are furnished at the bust stops of Yerevan. The program is implemented stage by stage in administrative districts. The program started in Ajapnyak district where 10 new cabins were placed. During the regular working meeting it was reported that 30 more ones are to be placed this year and in some administrative districts the work will be financed from local budgets.

Appropriate safety measures are taken to furnish the junctions with constant right-hand traffic with relevant traffic lights signals. The Mayor was reported that the signal is already working at the junction of Agatangeghos-Grigor Lusavorich streets and Arshakunyats. The process will be continued subsequently at all junctions.

In 2022, 426 elevators are to be replaced with new ones. The process is financed by the community. It was reported that 285 elevators had been distributed and at 98 locations the work was completed. It was instructed to ban sticking advertisements inside elevators.


A model of unified exams is going to be worked out for municipal music schools.


Municipal preschools will get new books for mental development.

Negotiations are going on with the partners from the UNO concerning the new design of illumination of the National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet after A.Spendiaryan. The competition will be announced in a few days.

A new washing station is going to be constructed for trolleybuses and new municipal buses to ensure proper sanitary cleaning. It was reported that the competition for the station procurement had been held.

The stock of “Electratransport” company will get 15 new trolleybuses purchased by means allotted by the community. The tender for procurement has been held and the winner is known. It should be noted that the community plans to purchase 15 more new trolleybuses.


The construction of water cleaning station on the Getar river is scheduled for 2023. Designing activities are going on.