Health Care Department
There are 23 medical establishments subordinated to Yerevan Municipality.
Brief report on the services delivered to the population in the period from January 1 to 31
1. During the reporting period, 1,632 children were born in Yerevan: 854 boys and 778 girls.
2. The number of visits to the outpatient polyclinics under Yerevan Municipality was 167,646.
3. 30 vouchers for health resort and rehabilitation treatment were provided to children with disabilities and chronic diseases and their attendants under the state-guaranteed free medical care and service framework.
1.Difficult-to-Access Services:
• To ensure the accessibility of medical services for Yerevan community residents, in 2024, services worth 99.340 million AMD were provided, including 74 contrast and non-contrast CT scans, 29 MRI scans, 80 mammography services,116 coronary angiography services. In 2023, coronary stenting with 1 drug-eluting stent was added and 95 vouchers were provided. These programs are ongoing.
2. Renovation of Health Centers:
• A priority in the health sector is the improvement of building conditions of health organizations. Under the "Health Facilities Renovation" program, 4 healthcare facilities were renovated, including the "Arabkir" Health Center, "Avan" Health Center, "Polyclinic No. 4" Norq-Marash branch, and "Baghramyan" Health Center Cilicia branch, total costs of which made up 1.2 billion AMD.
3. Equipment:
• For the continuous re-equipment of healthcare institutions under Yerevan's subordination and to ensure the provision and accessibility of quality medical services to Yerevan's population, 205 million AMD was allocated from Yerevan community budget in 2024.
4. Medical Centers:
Yerevan Medical Center:
• Technical re-equipment
In 2024, the organization acquired equipment worth 422.507.160 AMD, including computer equipment and furniture, of which 300,000,000 AMD was funded by the community and 122.507.160 AMD from own funds.
• Introduction of new services
In 2024, new services were introduced at "Yerevan" Medical Center, including CT, gastroenterology and hepatology services, allergology services, orthopedic services, sample collection and transportation services.
• DST-Health electronic medical data management system was implemented.
• A new angiographic device was installed.
• Construction and renovation work (Eye clinic buildings, roof of the 5th building, operating room, yard paving, renovation of the laboratory-diagnostic block, renovation of Interventional Cardiology and Clinical Electrophysiology services). Construction expenses totaled 18,938,000 AMD.
“Sourb Astvatsamayr” Medical Center:
• In 2024, “Sourb Astvatsamayr” MC achieved several accomplishments related to both staff capacity and efficiency improvement as well as infrastructural development.
• The medical center initiated several reforms, including capital renovation and acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment (FEGDS device, operating room EOP for safer interventions for children).
• Ensured modern building conditions to provide care according to current medical standards.
• The reception area was renovated with examination rooms and waiting area.
• Renovation of the isolation ward, neonatal pathology department, and blood transfusion point.
• The pathology department was renovated and equipped with a new microtome.
• Entrance roads to the hospital's reception were regulated.
• Implementation of the Emergency Medical Department.
• 24-hour EEG monitoring cabinet was opened and put into operation.
• Signed a cooperation memorandum with "NEUROKIDS" American organization, under which neuroendoscopic surgical equipment and tools were donated.
• Internal HiCare electronic medical documentation system was implemented.
Norq-Marash Medical Center:
• NMMCC 30th anniversary conference, with effective participation of nursing section.
• Establishment and operation of "One Heart - Armenia" Foundation.
• Continuous Nursing Educational Program: Long-term bedridden patient care procedures course.
• Improvements in ICU service organizational issues with permanent head position established.
• Online broadcast of endovascular surgeries to India and Russia twice a year.
• Minimally invasive aortocoronary bypass surgery.
• Peripheral vessel rotational atherectomy.
• Coronary artery rotational atherectomy.
• In Mongolia, 20 arrhythmological surgeries were performed with 2 visits: 10 surgeries each visit.
5. “Emergency Medical Service” CJSC
• Procurement and installation of tablets, transition to electronic call cards.
• Procurement of summer and winter uniforms.
• Installation of 2 alternative lines for 1-03 operational service.
• Improved financial condition (reduction of service vehicles) compared to the previous year.
• Pay rise for drivers, nurses, senior doctors of operational service, and sanitary cleaners by 10% on average.
• Repairing of roofs.
6. Digitization:
• Digitization of outpatient cards in Yerevan is 60-70% complete.
7. Programs:
• Visit of Yerevan's Health and Education Department specialists to 190 schools related to ARVI infections.
• Joint program of Yerevan Muicipality Departments of Health, Culture, and Tourism in 26 art and music schools.
• WHO programs: Education and re-training of school nurses in Yerevan.
• Re-training of medical staff in 162 kindergartens.
• Opening of the Health Literacy Center at "Tigran Mets" Health Center with WHO support.
• Visit to Copenhagen on "Digital Health and Health Information Systems Prospects".
• Summary of the "Simplified Model of Hepatitis C" program within the framework of the international organization "Doctors Without Borders".
• Implementation of the "Protected City of Yerevan" program with "HENAR" charitable foundation.
• Opening of the "Avan" Health Center.
• Visit of leading experts from the WHO European Center to support the study, reform, and introduction of a new model in the primary health care sector at "Avan" HC.
• Joint program with the UN international organization ILO for the implementation of a labor regulation model in healthcare institutions.
• "International Day of the Elderly" open house events at 5 Yerevan HCs.
• Public awareness campaign dedicated to headache issues, with Yerevan Municipality's coordination.
• Training of 4 doctors-specialists in Nice, France.
• Analysis of applications and complaints.
• Negotiations with City Cancer Challenge Foundation representatives for signing a memorandum to join the City Cancer Challenge network and introduce a model for cancer treatment and care services according to international standards.
• Implementation of the "Training of Health Workers on Communication Ethics with Persons with Disabilities" program with "Voice of Silence" NGO, aimed at supporting individuals with hearing impairments.
• "Kanaker-Zeytun Maternity Hospital" CJSC and "Polyclinic No. 19" CJSC, previously under trust management, are now under the Yerevan Municipality.
• Visits to women's consultation clinics with working groups to identify and correct issues.
• Organization of conferences and seminars by pharmaceutical companies, cooperation.
• Policy of HR reforms.
• Renovation of 6 healthcare facilities within the framework of Eurasian Development Bank programs.
• Coordination and continuation of vaccination process, health development programs, and sanitation and epidemiological control in Yerevan by the Health Department.
List of the needy and special groups of the population to get the right to free medical service and aid guaranteed by the Government
1. Beneficiaries included in the system of family allowance with the rates of neediness of 28.01 points and higher
2. Disabled people with deep restriction of functions
3.Disabled people with heavy restriction of functions
4. Disabled people with medium restriction of functions
5. Children under 18
6. Participants of the great Patriotic War and persons equal to them
7. Women of childbearing age: pregnancy, natal and postnatal care
8..Children without parental care aged 18-23
9.Those who have the direction for additional medical examinations given by state eligible medical and social bodies
10. Individuals of conscription age
11. Military men and the members of their families; members of the families of those fallen during the defence of the RA and while doing their duties.
12. Employees of rescue services and the members of their families, retired rescuers, disabled rescuers, members of the families of the rescuers died during their service.
13. Arrested and convinced people
14.Those who live in orphanages ad retirement homes
15. Repressed people
16. Participants of the activities of the elimination of Chernobyl accident consequences
17. People suffered trafficking
18. Refugees and members of their families
19.People who retired from military service as a result of injuries, diseases but are not considered disabled (within the frames of rehabilitation programs made up by eligible state bodies).
20.People who got injuries and illnesses during their military service and had to retire (within 3 months from the start of treatment until recovery)
21. Members of National Olympic teams of the Republic of Armenia.
22. Those who have the warrant for additional medical examination given by the forensic, forensic psychiatry, forensic drug and drug expertise and state law enforcement bodies.