Functions of the General Education Department of Yerevan Municipality
The General Education Department of Yerevan Municipality ensures the implementation of the powers delegated to the Mayor of Yerevan in the field of education, as well as the implementation of state educational policy. The functions of the department derive from the powers vested in the Mayor of Yerevan by legal acts in the field of education and are designed to implement them. There are 152 schools functioning within Yerevan Municipality subordination, including 140 primary, 12 secondary schools and one educational complex.
School education area
The main foreign languages taught in the public schools of Yerevan are Russian, English, French and German. Some schools also teach Persian, Chinese, Italian, Spanish, etc.
Activities carried out in 2023
Thematic seminars, courses, consultations were organized with the RA Health and Labor Inspectorate, the Education Inspectorate, the NCEDI Foundation and other cooperating structures, in which all 152 school principals operating under Yerevan Municipality participated.
Regularly organized open classes on various subjects, discussions, experience exchange, advanced training courses were arranged in cooperation with local and international partners.
As part of the programs initiated by the department, a course on “School Principal as an HR Manager” was held, during which the participants were presented with both thematic lectures and amendments to the Labor Code.
In cooperation with “Yerevan City Tour”, sightseeing tours were organized for students to Yerevan museums, specialized NGOs to familiarize them with the peculiarities of their activities.
Participation of students in the "Your Art at School" program was ensured as well.
In cooperation with "Coca-Cola HBC Armenia", the "World Without Waste" program was continued, during which sorting boxes were installed in schools and seminars were organized.
According to the tourist route program implemented by the General Education Department, excursions were organized for 360 students of grades 7-9 from 12 schools to get acquainted with the historical, architectural and cultural heritage of Yerevan, to understand the relationship between the local community, the state and global events.
Field military sports events were organized for 400 schoolchildren, which included theoretical, practical and demonstration classes on tactics.
Together with the "Territorial Seismic Protection Service" SNCO, training on seismic protection rules, evacuation and other events were organized.
Admission to schools is carried out online through an application. Parents have the opportunity to enroll their school-age children in preferrable school. The system allows parents to see the number of available places in the school, and also helps parents by indicating the list of documents required for submission.
Current activities
In order to identify and encourage gifted schoolchildren and their teachers, regional and city stages of the RA School Subject Olympiad were organized. 532 students who actually participated in the city stage were awarded diplomas.
1st degree: 71 students,
2nd degree: 125 students,
3rd degree: 180 students.
180 students received honorary diplomas.
At the initiative of some schools, as well as with the involvement of sponsors, the network of "Armath" engineering laboratories was expanded, and equipment in Nature Studies laboratories was modernized in a number of schools.
In order to support the aesthetic and moral education of students and the development of national thinking, events dedicated to memorable dates in the history of the Armenian people, anniversaries of outstanding Armenian and world-famous figures, days dedicated to the native language, book holidays, events dedicated to the heroes of our time are organized; within the framework of Francophonie, celebrations and memorial performances, essay competitions as well as events related to children's rights are held.