Communal Service Department

Water supply and water disposal
In Yerevan the services of water supply and water disposal are provided by “Veolia Jur” CJSC which carries out its activity in accordance with the leasing treaty signed between the RA Government in person of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure and the French company “Veolia Eau-Compagnie Generale des Eaux”.
In the capital water is distributed to consumers through the pipes of 418 km length, the distribution network of 1431 km length and regulatory water reservoirs of 192.9 thousand sq m.
The water supply system involves 9 water sources,103 cabotage constructions, 5 large pump stations and other structures.
Within the last 9 years the system of water supply and water disposal significantly improved.
In accordance with the corresponding decision made on April 15,2015 of the RA Commission for Public Services Regulation, the minimal water supply time in Yerevan as 17 hours a day. 80% of consumers are provided with 24-hour water supply, and 20%-with 17-hour supply.
Water disposal is fulfilled through the sewage pipes of 1759 km length, including 1433-km street network and 326-km inter-yard network.
In 2019 a new water supply system (about 250 lin m) was constructed in King Abgar street. Currently, the new water supply system is being constructed at A, Khachatryan, 6. The construction is to be over on December 20 of this year. Renovation of sewerage hatchways is going on in different streets as well.
External lighting
During the operation of the external lighting network, in the period from January 1 to December 1 of 2019, 30981 lamps were replaced with new ones 26442 of which in streets and yard areas, and 4539 ones in parks and crossings; 109 pillars, 55.3 km of various cables and communication wires were renovated as well.
Within the mentioned period 61 lighting objects were added to the external lighting system, 42 of which instreets,16 in yard areas, 1 in a park, 1 in a football ground, 1 in a crossing. 68 pillars and 450 lanterns were placed as well. The length of the newly built network is 18.34 km.
Yerevan city dump of Nubarashen
Nubarashen city dump is located at 4, Nubarashen highway which was put into operation in the 1950s. It is 9-10 km away from the city centre and occupies the area of 52.3 hectares.
Currently, 1000-1200 tons of garbage is dumped here daily (annually 365-440 tons).
The garbage is not recycled but pressed and neutralized by covering with the layer of soil of 25-30 sm.
On March 10,2009 Yerevan Municipality and “Shimidzu” corporation (Japan) signed the treaty on getting biogas from the dump of Nubarashen. This project solved several tasks at the same time: ecological, economic and health care. On the whole the realization of the project will take 16 years.
it is estimated that till 2023 the certificated reduction of emissions equivalent to CO2 will make up 512 thousand tons. The treaty is valid till 2023, and by that time it is estimated that 512 thousand tons of CO2 is to be reduced.
The project is fully financed by the Japanese party. The construction was transferred to the Armenian party as a property and the operation is carried out by “Nor barekargum” KJSC.